Susan T. How
Cell: (406) 270-5776 email:
Women in the Arts, DaMa Wines Gallery, Walla Walla, WA, April, 2016
Contemplative Landscape Photography, Completed a two-year Mentoring Program under the direction of George de Wolfe, 2014-2015
2014 Open Regional Photo Exhibit, Pendleton Center for Arts, Pendleton, OR, Honorable Mention, May, 2014
Spring Show, Walla Popup Gallery, Walla Walla, WA, May, 2014
Sense of Place: Near and Far, five-artist show, Willow Art Gallery, Walla Walla, WA, May, 2010
Mission San Miguel Arcangel Portfolio, a collection of the work of 42 photographers portraying the historic central California San Miguel Mission. Portfolio is in the permanent collection of the National Steinbeck Center, Salinas, CA, and exhibited December, 2010.
Rural Routes, a photodocumentary and oral history of community agriculture in the Flathead Valley. Partial funding from the Montana State Committee for the Humanities. Permanent collection of Northwest Montana Historical Society, Kalispell, MT (2006)
Limited edition print for the benefit of Flathead Land Trust, Kalispell, MT (2006)
Independent study, black & white photography project at Flathead Valley Community College (FVCC), Kalispell, MT, entitled Documentary Aspects of Photography – solo exhibition KM Building, Kalispell (2005)
Member. League of Obscure Photographers, online gallery developed by Charlie Morrell, Alma, CO (2004-5)
Textile design, original piecework in wallhangings and garments sold at Sassafras, an artists’ cooperative in Kalispell, MT (2002-2003)
Co-founder, Hellroaring Artisans, a group of four local artists who organized annual art shows at the Bohemian Grange and Grouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish, MT (1993-1994)
Guild member, Pioneer Spinners’ & Weavers’ Guild, a 12-member group practicing the crafts of native dyes, handspinning, weaving, and other textile arts in south-central Minnesota. (1978-1982)
Professional Experience:
Owner, Sunrift Media, LLC – Free-lance writing and photography …bringing light to environmental and human concerns (December, 2003 – present)
Conservation consultant – Advising non-profit organizations on land and watershed conservation strategies. Consulted in several successful $1 million NAWCA grants. (February, 2004 – present)
Executive director, Flathead Land Trust, non-profit organization holding conservation easements on private lands. (January, 1998- May, 2003) As sole employee for most of the period, built organization from assets of less than $20,000 to over $200,000 and developed conservation projects valued at more than $3 million.
Owner, Communications Services — meeting facilitation, writing and editing services. (1993-1998)
Flathead County Extension Agent, Montana State University Extension Service, Kalispell, MT Office chairperson and director of human resource and 4-H youth programming, including small business training program. (1992-93)
Founding editor, “The Land,” agricultural publication, current circ. 35,000 in Minnesota. Division of Mankato Free Press, Mankato, MN. (1976-80)
Free-lance journalist published in Farm Journal, Farmland News, Country Journal, Kansas City Star, Omaha World-Herald. (1973-82)
Area reporter, Mankato Free Press, daily newspaper, circ. 26,500. Agriculture and rural issues. (1975-76)
MS. in biology (ecology), , Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA. Study emphasis: plant-animal interactions. (1992) Sigma Xi (scientific research honorary)
Graduated with high distinction by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE. B.S. with a double major in home economics and journalism. (1973) Sigma Delta Chi Outstanding Graduate (journalism fraternity).
Community Service:
Walla Walla Community Leadership Training – Sherwood Trust community-building program to develop leadership skills through hands-on projects. Participated in creating an interpretative nature trail at Fort Walla Walla
Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund – State chairman of the Ed Fund and past board member and state treasurer of the allied organization Montana Conservation Voters. (2003 – 2009)
Hurricane Relief – Assignment to the Red Cross National Call Center, Washington, D.C. to troubleshoot issues of callers affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita & Wilma (October, 2005)
Flathead on the Move Steering Committee, (2004) – local effort emphasizing community-building and integration of sound growth strategies
Steering Committee of Conservation Roundtable, association of 20 conservation groups in the Flathead region (1998-2003)
Board member and past president of The Glacier Institute, the largest private, non-profit environmental education program in Montana. Annually serving 3,000 youth and adult students through programming and outreach. Actively involved in strategic planning, grant-writing, and fund-raising. (1993-1998)
Co-founder and advisor to Project FREEFLOW, a water-quality stream monitoring program for students K-12, reaching 2,000 children annually in Flathead County. (1994-1998)
Member, Planning Committee, Flathead Know Your Watershed Workshop, Montana Watercourse (1996)
Member, Program Committee, Expanding Your Horizons, which encourages junior high and high school students, particularly girls, to consider careers requiring science and math competency. (1994-96)
Publicist, Steering Committee to launch the first Pennsylvania state-wide Sustainability Conference (1991)
Volunteer, Massachusetts acid rain monitoring program. (1983-85)
Volunteer, Manomet Observatory international shorebird survey. (1983-84)
Technical Experience:
Thesis: “Phenological contrasts of two Solidago (goldenrod) species affecting host selection by Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae). (1991)
Graduate teaching assistant, Bucknell University. Duties: lab setup and teaching assistant for undergraduate courses in cellular and molecular biology, genetics and development. (1989-91)
Environmental internship, McKenna Foundation grant, Bucknell University, research position. (Summer, 1989)
Member of contributing research group and cited in “Evolutionary Ecology across Three Trophic Levels: Goldenrods, Gallmakers, and Natural Enemies,” Monograph in Population Biology #29 by Warren G. Abrahamson and Arthur E. Weis. Princeton Univ. Press (1997)
Co-editor, “Keeping Montana The Last Best Place,” a guide to responsible land, water and wildlife stewardship. Northwest Montana Environmental Education Core Group. (1996)
Abrahamson, W.G., J.M. Brown, S.K. Roth, D.V. Sumerford, J.D. Horner, M.D. Hess, S.T. How, T.P. Craig, R.A. Packer, and J.K. Itami. Gallmaker speciation: an assessment of the roles of host-plant characters and phenology, gallmaker competition, and natural enemies. In Y. Baranchikov, W. Mattson, P. Price, eds. Gall-forming Insects. USDA Forest Service, North Central Experiment Station. General Technical Report NC-174. (1994)
How, S.T., W.G. Abrahamson, and M.J. Zivitz. Disintegration of clonal connections in Solidago altissima (Compositae). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 121:338-344. (1994)
How, S.T., W.G. Abrahamson, and T.P Craig Role of host plant phenology in host use by Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephriditae) on Solidago (Compositae). Environmental Entomology 22:388-396. (1993)
Available upon request.